Deposito Masih Dominasi DPK Perbankan

Darmin berjanji akan intervensi dengan segala cara. Direktur Keuangan Bank Danamon, Vera Eve Lim, mengaku rasio BOPO banknya menurun tipis, tapi tidak terlalu memberi dampak. Bank Indonesia (BI), Bank Negara Malaysia (BNM) serta industri perbankan syariah Indonesia dan Malaysia mengadakan pertemuan keuangan syariah hari ini. Fransisca mengungkapkan, undisbursed paling besar biasanya terdapat dalam kredit investasi dan modal kerja.

uBiome project will sequence the bacteria that share our bodies

Paying volunteers will provide samples to help investigate potential links between the 'microbiome' and disease

A British researcher's "citizen science" project to sequence the genomes of thousands of bacteria that live on and inside our bodies could help pinpoint the causes of disorders, including autism, depression, obesity and multiple sclerosis.

Jessica Richman, a PhD student at Oxford University, has raised more than $290,000 from over 1,300 people who have paid to take part in the uBiome project. The volunteers will provide samples from their ears, nose, mouth, genitals and gut. The microbes' genomes will then be sequenced and correlated with the results of health surveys completed by the participants.

Kredit Bank Mandiri Tumbuh 24% Tahun Lalu

Kami tumbuh di atas rata-rata pertumbuhan perbankan syariah, ucap Direktur Utama BSB Riyanto, Jumat (1/2). Artinya, si pembeli juga harus memperhitungkan bahwa Benua Indah masih berutang Rp 480,7 miliar ke BMRI. Khusus pinjaman Rp 500 miliar akan digunakan untuk belanja modal 2012 dan untuk corporate general purpose. Namun, karyawan yang bersedia dipotong gaji untuk zakat cuma 1. Seputar Bandung Semakin tinggi nilainya, sistem perbankan itu semakin tertekan. Menurut Komisarisnya Tony A.

J Crew show at New York fashion week gives flavour of styles heading to the UK

Autumn collection – the first to go on sale in Britain – mixes deep colours with intricate pattern and delicate embellishment

The J Crew formula is to the 21st century American fashion industry what the secret Coca Cola recipe was to the fast-food wars of the last. Everybody loves the taste – but only a few people know the secret, and they're not telling.

J Crew has claimed wardrobe bragging rights over the American zeitgeist to a degree not achieved by any high street store since Gap in the 1990s. (It is no coincidence that Mickey Drexler, who masterminded Gap in its khaki-and-white-shirt heyday, is now CEO of J Crew.) Michelle Obama and her daughters are famous fans, while Anna Wintour describes the brand as "a force to be reckoned with, and anyone who tells you otherwise is insane".